Make : fatal error: 'new' file not found

Install libstdc++ package, it should fix that.

Glad to see it resolved, but FWIW other 14.04 user (including on our side) did not have that problem, which is baffling.

Editor has compiled successfully! Great thanks for your help!

It looks like clang is trying to use latest gcc available in system. In my case it was 4.9, which came as a dependency to some other software. This software was installed from third party ppa, so gcc4.9 was downloaded from it. But in that ppa there was no libstdc+±4.9-dev. It caused fail in UE4 build process.

Although User’s problem was solved, I’ve discovered another reason why this error would occur:

fatal error: 'new' file not found
 #include <new>

This took me a little longer to solve, as I’ve already got all of dependencies on my Debian machine. I’ve got 2 identical systems, Debian 8, with jessie-backports repository enabled (for latest drivers and dependencies for gaming). One a Laptop, and other a desktop PC. I managed to install UE4 on laptop, but not Desktop.

This is because of environment variables, C_INCLUDE_PATH and CPULS_INCLUDE_PATH. On laptop, they were set by default as and when packages were installed. But on my Desktop, these weren’t set. It took trial and error with using locate locate -b new | egrep 'new$' or locate -b 'someheaderfile' and then amending variables where needed.

I now have a new error, but this I can work with. Hope this helps anyone who experiences same issue as stated