Ah okay I see. There was no canvas panel and the engine wouldn’t allow me to create a canvas panel on the root either. I wanted to insert one between the root and the InventorySlot component to add a text block. Because it wouldn’t allow me through drag&drop I tried copy-pasting the image itself to test if it would even allow me to do anything. But apparently I managed to put a component on another one that does not allow child-components. Still a bug nonetheless.
Bug to report: The engine does not prevent copy-pasting components onto UMG-components that do not allow any children causing an immediate crash.
But after your post I managed to fix it by using right click > “Wrap With…” > Canvas panel
Next problem:
I added SlotInUse? to check if the inventory slot contains an item. After adding this and saving the project and restarting I got this spam:
Which I also posted here: LogConnectionDrawingPolicy:Warning: Looks like a wire-trace was not injected before the jump from - AnswerHub - Unreal Engine Forums
After restarting again, the wire-trace-warnings are gone and have been replaced with errors:
Basically almost (or often all) variables that are of that struct-type, have their links broken between the get-array-node and the other node that it was connected to. This only applies to arrays. These links can be reapplied and compile&save will make it work again. But as soon as I restart UE4, the engine just breaks the links again and gives me the same compiler errors and I have to set them manually again for every project restart
AND it also causes this bug as well:
Hello ,
I have a couple of questions for you regarding the newest problem. These are the same questions as before but in reference to the struct issue.
- Can you reproduce this latest issue in a clean project?
- If so, could you provide a detailed list of steps to reproduce this issue on my end?
Sadly no I can not reproduce them in a clean project. I have absolutely no idea why only this project has those problems. I only know what causes it and how to reproduce it in this specific project.
Hello ,
If you migrate your assets to a clean project (starting with those that you believe are involved with this issue) can you reproduce the issue that way?
Just about everything is linked to another so migrating one asset means migrating everything. However, adding a new variable to the struct did not cause any bugs in the new project… It just works. It does generate some errors of course because the input/project/world etc settings are missing but no bugs.
I did not copy the level blueprint code though.
But I did find another nasty side-effect:
So I use “set members in struct”. Then click on “remove all other pins”. But as soon as I add new variables, their pins are not automatically removed :/. They are for SOME, but not for all (also weird?). So anyone who modifies a struct and sets it somewhere, still has to check all of those “set members” nodes across their entire project.
On top of that in some blueprints I also have to click on “restore all pins” before I can remove the newly added variables from the node again :/. Seems like another minor bug but with grave consequences if missed. I found no option to automatically hide the new pins when you add a variable (which would be more logical but okay).
Maybe I should just drop these darn blueprints and just go C++ because I’m sorry. I’m tired of debugging Epic’s engine. I want to create a game, not spent all of my time debugging the engine. Blueprints are so unstable.
No thank you. Every time I try to solve a bug, I find at least 1 other bug or at least something ‘weird’. This is never-ending. It all started with just two bugs and look how many I got by now. Just… amazing… Not to mention all of the other bugs from the other topics I made and the ones that I didn’t even bother to report anymore.
My first week in UE4 blueprints with a basic inventory and some dynamically created cubes and I have to spent all of my time fixing not my bugs, but Epic’s bugs. No thank you, I don’t get paid for that.
Yes sorry I’m rather frustrated as you may imagine. I’m done with this struct-bug that haunts me for like 1.5 week now while communicating over some answerhub with some video’s. Too slow, and I find too many new bugs.
Hello ,
I am going to need to start breaking up the issue that you are reporting into different threads for tracking purposes. I believe that this issue is different enough to start with. If you could post a new thread describing this bug, you could then post the link here in a reply and I will be more than happy to assist you further with this issue.
And more bugs:
Always the editor getting ‘out of synch’. Corrupted blueprints are just :(… And happens frequently.
That’s the last I will say about this. I’m not gonna debug it any further for the devs. Especially not when I’m talking to some “middleman” that makes me feel like I’m calling customer support that is being provided by another company and they only make a ticket for the real company to fix some day. But instead of the phone we have the answerhub (which is a slow progress) and no bug tracker. Don’t want to remote? Can’t chat? I can’t even send you private links/videos. Fine, then I’m done here.
Your whole blueprint-part of the engine is completely unstable!
Hello ,
I am unable to reproduce the results seen in the video that you have provided. Would it be possible for you to zip down your project and send it to me via dropbox or google drive so that I may take a closer look? If you are worried about the privacy of your project you could send me a private message on the forums and you can include the link to the project there.
I appreciate your time&willingness to solve issues.
But my conclusion was, several times in fact, that the UE4 blueprints are not stable and well-documented enough to use yet. I wasted too much time on it already, mostly all on dealing with engine-bugs or waiting on the Answerhub. I just kept running into different bugs&crashes several times an hour in several (test)projects.
Therefor I now switched to another engine and I’m content over there.
You may mark this issue as resolved because I have no longer an interest in reproducing, solving and debugging Epic’s bugs over the Answerhub. Perhaps some time in the future, after Epic released many patches, I may return to this engine again.