Looking for runtime Datasmith import/reimport or alternatives

Is there some documentation on it? Where can I find it?


  • experimental, so will be unstable
  • material baking not available at runtime
  • no wire, no 3dm file fomat support
  1. Enable “Datasmith Interchange” plugin
  2. Here is the code sample you need
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Is there a way to use a custom pipeline with cad files similar to the asset import process?

Not yet, but the goal is to have CAD pipeline manipulation to be aligned on what you can do with asset import process.

Any update on if this is still being worked on? Our application needs to be able to import CAD at runtime which will not always be from CAD software which has a .datasmith exporter

It is still being worked on not as high priority at the moment.

You still can load datasmith runtime

You have datasmith interchange runtime too

but your need to do an import scene function.

There are still several limitations to runtime import:

  • General
    ** no material build
    ** no nanite
  • Interchange route (schedule to be fixed)
    ** no collision generated
    ** no option to specify tessellation settings.