LogNet: UNetDriver::TickDispatch: Very long time between ticks


The warning itself is fairly explanatory - the time between frames is really long (8 ~ 15 seconds in the cases you’ve pointed out).

Unfortunately, there could be a number of reasons for this:

  1. If you’re running multiple instances of the Game / Editor, only the one in the foreground will have focus. This may include PIE sessions (although, it may not). When a instance of the Game or Editor is not in focus the OS (i.e. Windows) has the ability to, and almost always will, reduce the amount of CPU time given to that instance. This alone could legitimately cause the tick times between frames to drop to only a few times a second. In some cases, it may even be multiple seconds between frames.

  2. Similarly, if you have other potentially intense software running on your PC at the same time (video capture, virus scanners, other computationally or graphically intense software, etc.) this could cause some issues (although I wouldn’t expect it to cause several seconds worth of hitching, unless it was a high priority process).

  3. If you’re trying to do a lot of heavy lifting on a single PC that can’t handle it, resource contention may also be at play. With that in mind, what are the Specs of the PC you are using.

  4. When Sean had asked about the OSS, he meant the Online Subsystem. Unfortunately, Binary 4.15.1 doesn’t really tell us what you’re using, as the OSS refers to specific platforms (Steam, Oculus, PS4, etc.) I’m going to guess you’re likely using the Null OSS (the unconfigured default), but please correct me if I’m wrong.

What I’d recommend is using the Stats system to determine where these hitches or delays are coming from.


What I’d start with is stat dumphitches to see if there’s any repeated offender. If that doesn’t make things clear, try waiting until your game instance is running very poorly and do a stat startfile, wait for a few seconds, and then do a stat stopfile. This will generate a stat capture which can be viewed in the Profiler tool and you can dig into what may be causing the issues.

As Sean has said, this very likely is not a bug in the engine itself. We do extensive regression testing before releases. While this process is not perfect and things can slip through, egregious issues like this are always grounds for Hotfixes, so if this was something found internally or by any of our licensees it would have been fixed.

That, given how easily you can repro it, I’m more inclined to believe it has something to do with your specific setup.

I already asked, but I figured I’d mention again so it’s not lost in a sea of text. Can you please provide the Specs of your machine, including your GPU, CPU, RAM, Operating System, etc.

Apparently the game freezes ( on both
clients ) together with the editor as
many seconds as it says hence it’s
impossible to debug anything when this

Even if the game freezes, you could still use stat dumphitches to get a report. You’d just need to make sure that was running before the hitch. E.G., you could start the game instances, immediately enable stat dumphitches, and then wait for a freeze.

Jon N.