Localization .po import failed

So, these are the steps I took to get this POS Localization Dashboard to do what I wanted, using POEdit or POEditor.

  • Obviously add whatever your “Native” language is.
  • Compile Text (big button) (Can do this from Game Target also, maybe even best to do so)
  • Add all the cultures (languages you want to localize)
  • Export Text (the big one from just under Cultures sub-window, NOT the individual culture’s one), which will export ALL of them (with the appropriate folders and .po) under Content/Localization (Can do this from Game Target also, maybe even best to do so)
  • Upload Native .po to wherever
  • Do your thing
  • Export .po for each language
  • Overwrite every single Game.po that was created in the Export Text step in each culture under /localization
  • Import Text (Can do this from Game Target also, maybe even best to do so)
  • Compile Text
  • Profit

You probably don’t need to compile text twice (but the last one is probably a good idea), regardless, the biggest thing here is… THE FREAKING THING DOES NOT WORK IN PIE WHEN SWITCHING CULTURES… I was at this for a few hours trying to figure out why my text IN GAME was not switching in PIE (even though my Editor was definitely changing its culture)… then on a whim… I tried out Standalone Game… and it worked… to say I was a bit frustrated would be a bit of an understatement.

Basically, makes VR Development even harder… well played Epic Games…well played…


Culture switching doesn’t work in PIE as it’s actually the editor, but there is a game preview language setting in newer versions of UE4 that works in PIE (and the UMG editor). You can find it in the editor region & language settings.

I’ll look out for it, thanks. But you all really need to work on some documentation for this, especially so if you have no plans on fixing it anytime soon.

Even if it includes every single workaround. It’s the right thing to do at this point. 10 versions later, still experimental, and looks like it got worse over time.