Live video capture/Webcam compatibility

Do you use the NDI Media Source asset at all? I can see my test pattern appearing in the studio monitor but can not get it to show up in the Media Player viewer. Nor can I get the VLC output to show anything in UE4 (Media Player just says “Preparing”). Any ideas? Thanks again!

Same problem. If anyone has any clue, I’d be really grateful !

I have same problem ,and finally fixed it , thank u very much!

Hi, can you share your BP I have been trying to do it but I can not find the way to set the track after the onMediaOpened node

OK here is how it works for me, it detects the web camera and the URL after a delay

We are still having issues in 2021 with Logitech webcams like Brio Pro or internal laptop webcams.
Webcams are visible and we can see all the different resolutions as video streams but a video is black and unable to play - media failed to open check output log (nothing sows in output log).

It is not a problem of camera because camera works in one project (4.24) but nothing else, not even new project.

In general, this recorder is ideal for recording from a webcam The recording quality is simply gorgeous, so everything is also without lags. I recommend everyone to read it.