Limiting Aim offset

What values do you have for the angles? Since you are wanting the model to look up and down your min on the clamp should be a Neg value and your max a Pos…Positive values are looking down (see my example) and Negative values are looking up.

Okay! I got it, that last thing you said about the min being a negative and the max being a positive fixed my problem, also the Select float being divided, by 1 (My character only has 1 spine) I had to make that a negative because it was inverted. I have ONE final question. How would I make my camera stop rotating at a certain angle as well? Would I follow the same way you showed me or something different?

Is the camera using your control rotation? Which camera are you wanting to limit the 3PV or 1PV?

I want to limit the 3pv my 1pv is connected with wherever the mesh looks

Ok what controls the 3PV camera movement?

Just a basic yaw and pitch output that are connected by axis bindings.

Is the camera attached to a spring arm? The Yaw and Pitch are they adding Controller Pitch/Yaw Input?

Yes the 3pv is connected to a spring, and the yaw and pitch are only connected by an up down input axis/ left right

Does the spring arm have Use Pawn Control Rotation checked? Can you take a screenshot of input settings for me?..that way I can see exactly how it is inputting the values so I gave give you a way to constrain them in 3pv but not 1pv

Yes, the spring arm has Use Pawn Control Rotation checked. Here are my Input settings:

Here ya go this should cover the pitch you can do the same for the input of the yaw as well:

Hmm, it didn’t seem to work, are you sure I need all this world rotation stuff? What about a simple clamp that will stop at a certain rot? Also I realize my First person camera will need the same components but I can just the same mechanics you will show me.

Yep I am sure you need all the rotation stuff to clamp the rotation stuff…it needs to know what the current rot is to clamp against…the way it should work based on my example is it should only allow the camera boom (spring arm) to rotation up 30 degrees and down 30 degrees are you setting the Bool so it can switch between the 2? When you switch from 1PV to 3PV you need to also set the bool to true otherwise it isn’t going to work.

So I was looking around YouTube and I was also testing different ways I could make this work and so far I found that the blueprint I just sent works, but has one one side effect. The side effect is that everytime I reach the end of my rotation, the clamp is a bit shaky, how would I fix that? Also is there a way I can separate my first person cam to my third person cam? The current hook-up I have applies to both of my cameras. I want my third person camera to basically follow my body rotation, and I want my first person camera to follow my head rotation because I plan on make my head rot clamp longer.
If that makes sense?

Have you tried setting up your characterBP exactly as I have it in that screen shot? It is limiting the rotation of the spring arm for the 3P camera so it wouldn’t affect both your cameras. Also what BP did you send?

The picture I sent was the Character blueprint, alright then ill follow what you said, also is there anyway I can slow the rotation of how fast my body bends over, like is there a way to slow the transform bone node?

Yea man, its just not working is there anything I did wrong?

Heres the way I found messing around if you want to look. The only problem with this, is that the once you reach the end of the clamp, the camera shakes.

Did you try limiting the movement of the Spring Arm like the example I gave? It shouldn’t shake the camera when it gets to the end of the clamp…you could also change your value from -180 to -165…-180 is at an axis crossover point between pos and neg values which may be the cause of the camera shake

Yeah man it’s not working, I changed it to -165 which didn’t do anything. I also unchecked the ‘tpv cam?’ node found in the 3rd person camera comment in my picture, which only made things not even work. When it’s checked it’s makes a ton of buggy glitches not worth explaining. Can you maybe send me a picture of the ‘is third person’ bool? I think that’s my problem.