Lemons Must Die, Steam Greenlight Campaign

I meant no offense lol it just seemed weird to mix a lemon in a desert, a grocery store or someones fridge or kitchen makes more sense.
As for the jumping it looked like it was really difficult for the person playing in the video to line anything up, so to say it looked to me that it was hits based on luck more than anything, and for myself, as a gamer, that gets frustrating quickly is all.

No offense taken. I really wanted to know details about what you didn’t like. That’s helpful. There is a story, but that’s secret for now. It is possible that you are just having a really rough weekend and it’s all in your head.

For shooting the right mouse or left shoulder button brings you into a fps view with a reticle. There is an arc to shooting, so all shots at a distance need to be lobbed in. This feature wasn’t shown in the video.

We are currently experimenting with different camera positions and the fov to make sure jumping on the platforms is frustration free.

Fixed that for you…

The lobbed projectile idea is pretty neat. What is the projectile BTW? a small rind grater?

You pickup piles of lemon seeds to fuel projectiles, but the actual pellet you shoot changes depending which power up your on. There are regular seeds then many other types. Some freeze the enemies into slow motion, some turn them into gold statues, some do extra damage etc.

October Gameplay video update. Currently we are looking at January 31st release date on Steam. We will maybe call it early Access, but that will just be because maybe all the localization and some of the extra’s isn’t complete at the time, but the full playable game itself is on track to be finished at that time.

Amazing how much longer it takes to complete a game then our original timeline planned for.