Left (or right) mouse button does not work

Hey nogdoesrandomstuff-

Can you try adding the two nodes from your screenshot to the level editor and let me know if your left mouse button works there?

So you said you added Mouse Click as an event in the inputs right? Why are you using the Mouse Click node then and not the Input action? Something to consider there is that the Input action you’ve put in might be consuming input and that’s why the click node isn’t working.

I added it to the level blueprint and it still did not work.

Finally found a work around. Didn’t really solve it, but it works. Basically I just migrated the whole project into another project, and it seems to be working fine.

I deactivated the “Use Mouse for Touch” in project settings/input/mouse properties and it did the trick for me


TY IT WORKED :smiley:

Thanks, you just saved me a lot of time!

My solution to this problem was to change input mode to game and ui. I had previously set it to game mode only.

The option was already unchecked for me, but just below I found in the Viewport Properties that Default Viewport Mouse Capture Mode was set to Capture During Right Mouse Down (I probably set that to prevent rotating the camera inadvertently). I set the value back to Capture Permanently so that both my mouse moves and left clicks are always detected during Play in the Editor.

(there are already many answers and both settings are close to each other, so I made this a comment)

enabling inputs after consuming them is dumb beyond belief, do you even know what’you’re talking about ? honestly

If your problem is just with one of mouse buttons, then check if you have not use this mouse button in project settings->Input. If you have assigned this button (f.e. LeftMouseButton) to action mapping, then you cannot use this click event with Enabled Click Event in player controller.

You may be using the same Action Mapping in both your Player Controller, Pawn, HUD or somewhere else. It usually fails when used in multiple places.

i cant even ■■■■■■■ click file or save or anything because nothing happens until i click 100 times. ■■■■ unreal engine its broken at the core lol

I wanted to include the issue and solution I ran into.

YOU CAN ONLY HAVE 1 ON CLICK LISTENER AT ALL (everywhere)! You cannot listen for the same event in multiple places…

When mine was not working, I had a Right Mouse Button node in my Player Controller BP doing one thing and at the same time I had another Right Mouse Button node in my Level BP.

UE4 seems to just pick the first one it sees and ignores any other event listeners. Which is dumb…

My solution was to just put everything into my level editor and I ran a Sequence node off the Pressed event for Right Mouse Button and just did what I was doing in my Player Controller BP in my Level PB. I.E. I just did everything in one Blueprint.

This worked for me, thanks!

Try to unselect the checkbox in the Project Settings - Input - Mouse Properties - Use Mouse for Touch

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I meet the same situation. put it in BP_GameMode, it does’t work; put it in BP_Character and drag the BP_Character into level, it does’t work; put it in Level Blueprint, it worked. :joy: i don’t know why?

If you use the Right Mouse Button event in several places, you can click on it, and in the Details panel there will be an option ‘Consume Input’. Just disable it everywhere.