Learning Agents fails


Sorry to see that you’re running into a problem. It looks like the python process is having an issue receiving the training data from the UE process.

LogLearning: Display: Training Process: Profile| Pull Experience 157571ms

This time is how long the python process was waiting to receive experience from UE. This includes the time for the game to run and gather experience. Given this is two minutes, this is a really long time which is a little suspicious.

I’m guessing you are running into a timeout:
Can you add a print(response) to line 195 in “D:\softwares\unreal\UE_5.3\Engine\Plugins\Experimental\LearningAgents\Content\Python\train_ppo.py” so we can figure out if it’s a timeout or some other unexpected error?

Here is my initial advice:

  • Increase data gathering speed by using multiple agents, e.g. duplicate the game world
  • Consider decreasing the max step num. The default is 300, which is about 5 seconds in a 60 fps game where the trainer is ticking every frame.

Also, check out Learning to Drive | Tutorial if you have not already.

Let me know if you continue to run into issues or if it does not appear to be a timeout.
