LCVg's Serialized Saves Plugin

I appreciate the work you’ve done on this and pushing it to osx, but it feels very unfinished and information is very fragmented across versions between the forums, the wiki / github with no authoritative source. I’ve been attempting to work this into a project with some basic saving, and i’ve run into a surprising amount of crashes.

Some advice for making this easier to follow:
Your github content example loads with a load of compilation errors where the save game object seemingly doesn’t exist.
When adding nodes, there is reference to LC Save Game and Lost Cause Save game. I suggest choosing one or the other as a ref to all your nodes - it makes it easier to find them.

I’ve attached screenshots of the issue i’m having. I have the save game node initiated, and the persistence interfaces on a few actors, and the save game checkbox marked but despite saving, i’m unable to get any indication that the save was successful - where each time the save array is length = 0.

Thank you for your feedback. I’m working on the issues for an upcoming release. The information fragmentation you perceive is due to the engine version 4.17 that is causing a lot of problems with the system (previous versions of the engine work as advertised, no more, no less). As stated in previous posts I am working on a solution that works on every version and allows me to reunify criteria across all of them, hence the example project is outdated. Thank you for your patience and your feedback.

[Update 1.4.5] A new Update has been submited to the marketplace and its now under revision

  • Adds support to Unreal Engine 4.18
  • fixes a miriad of crashes related to loading
  • reunifies the loading methods across all the latest engine versions (4.16,4.17 and 4.18).
  • All the loading functions have been replaced by 2 new functions recoded from scratch (see image below)


As I am moving to Italy during the next couple of weeks I will not be able to work on new features. But in the next couple of months I hope I will be able to introduce some new and some promissed features like:

  • Auto Saving
  • Loading and saving custom widgets automatically appearing.
    among other cool stuff.

Thanks a lot for your continued support and patience.

Very cool, looking forward to the update.
Thanks for sticking with it!

[NEWS] Just wanted to let you guys know that I finally found the space to resume my work on this plugin. In the next couple of weeks I will start rolling out new updates for it with new cool features and improvements (focusing primarily on bringing support for Editor Created Structures, which is the most requested feature).

Will this be updated for 4.19?

Hello. Yes, it will be updated to 4.19. I had been terribly bussy during the past months, but ill be working on updating the plugin very soon.