Landscape/Terrain obsolete?

Hi Frenetic, I understand you point, but I’m giving an example of what would be something good to start from, epic could totally buy one of this products and work from it as I’m sure they have done before.
I feel like Epic can do a much better job with better integration, performance and stability then the stuff on the market place, something that will go well with the new feature that are being added to unreal 5. Based on my knowledge, the voxels plugin on the market place do not support a lot of feature unreal 4 have, like Procedural Foliage, the new water/layer base deformation, the performance is not the best and it is hard to find go tutorials for it. Epic have more people and resources to make this kind of feature even greater.
Also the Main reason as you said, we have just Hight deformation and that is a bit limited.