Landing on planets in UE, how do games like Space Engineers and Empyrion do this?

For some time I’ve been debating on getting started with the Unreal engine or Unity3D, and finally decided on Unreal. It has been amazing to dive into the engine and I finally got through my first set of tutorials making NPCs chase me around a map and making some basic worlds. I jumped into learning several different topics because I want to create a game like Space Engineers. The primay “want” of this is to create planets where you can seamlessly transition from space to the planet in a performant way. Empyrion’s trick is as soon as you contact a planet shape, it loads you into a flat map that overlaps on itself. But in Space Engineers, there is no such transition. In facThis text will be hiddent, you can drop something from orbit and have it land on the planet. The unreal engine is amazingly powerful, but I haven’t really seen any proof of concept or any tutorials that accomplish this. Unreal’s showcase “from ants to outerspace” appears to accomplish this, but it’s a trick where you can only zoom into that one part of the planet, not anywhere you like. The Voxel plugin sort of accomplishes this, but it’s laggy. I have started to see a few different ways UnitThis text will be hiddeny accomplishes planets you can land on and even destroy. I really want to stick with unreal engine, how can I do this? Is it even possible in the unreal engine??? I understand that it’s a difficult task, I’m just wanting to know where to get started on the journey knowing that it is possible. Even if it takes a while, if it’s possible to accomplish Space Engineers level gameplay, I will go for it.