jRPG Template

New update featuring world interactions:

  • interactable objects, create objects that player can interact with. Their state is persistent and saved to the file when game progress is saved (so looted chests stay looted and open door stays open).
  • world enemies, create enemies that will chase player character and launch a battle when they catch him up. Their state is also persistent and saved to the file, so killed enemies won’t spawn on a map over and over. Also, supports bosses.
  • interactable NPCs, create characters that player can interact with and execute special events. Includes fully working vendor NPC!

Could this be used for a 2D game?

Sure, it can be used for 2,5D (with limited depth) and 2D (totally flat). Template mostly consists of functionality. All maps are just to present how everything works and are meant to be changed, so you can easily swap 3D map with 2D and on the battle map you can set characters one after another instead of next to each other and so on.

Man if you could ever figure out that “Move Attacking actor” to enemy and then back again once attacked s finished you’d have like 100% of what I need. I do appreciate you helping me out with the cameras though I know your plate is probably quite full at the moment . Keep on keeping on, bro.

I will try to add it to the next update, at least simplified version so users will be able to extend or adjust it to their needs. Unfortunately, have no ETA when update will be available.

We have been working with this template for over a year now. At this point 80% of the core code from the template has been modified. I can vouch for all the code in here and have worked with added many many features expanding upon Exadi’s core code. Its super clean and well commented. It can be very confusing if you don’t understand how BP Communication works but at the same time, for those somewhat beginners (i do NOT recommend a beginner uses this, you should have at least 6 months of basic UE4 experience) this can really help to get you to the next level of understanding. When you see how the code executes and builds. We have added (we were working with an old template copy):

  • Interactable Objects with persistent data
  • Interactable NPCs with a dialogue system
  • Bosses and boss control for access
  • Door controls and access
  • New Stats which are used for world interaction
  • A magic learning system to get new spells outside of just leveling to get them
  • Journal in the main menu containing: Bestiary(new enemy encounters), Quest log, Letters read, and a Glossary of terms you learn in dialogue.
  • Event firing system for levels
  • A special “limit break” system for battles
  • advanced calculations on leveling and statistics on damage
  • Moving camera system in battle and the damage always faces the camera
  • Player moves to enemy and attacks in battle
  • Equip-able armor that shows up in the world/battle
  • Weapons upgrade system
  • Vendors that have a Trader system of adjusted pricing based on how much you use them
  • Many more things!

So if your looking for a highly dynamic system that really lets you learn and build this is what you need!
If you want to see more on the project, it doesn’t have much game play footage atm other than a couple play through’s.

I steam coding a lot, so feel free to stop in and check it out and if you use the system and have any questions please feel free to ask and i can show you.

Jessy (TwilightStar: Heart of Eir Team)


I am really happy that you managed to build a game basing on my template. Also, big thanks to you, a few features and improvements were added because of your suggestions.

Good job guys! I will spread a word here and there!

Any specific time you are usually streaming or is it totally random?

Thanks for this toolkit!
How adaptable is it for the mobile platforms?

I would say it can be adapted fairly easily. Generally, the only thing you need to adjust is input. UI reacts to mouse clicks so it can react to touch as well. Add a button to the player screen so the menu can be toggled with this (right now it is toggled with Esc or P). Then adjust character movement controls in the overworld and it should be almost ready.

Personally, I haven’t tried it but I don’t see any feature that would prevent the template from working on mobile devices.

Your template is amazing, and I can’t wait to use it.
However, I personally typically prefer to use source over blueprints. Would it be okay if I converted your toolkit into C++?

Sure thing, feel free to do it!

I really liked your template, and it’s almost what I’m looking for for my project. I just really want to change the third-person view from the back and the keyboard-or gamepad-oriented controls to the top view with mouse control like in classic RPGs and strategies, which is more preferable for a Windows PC. As in this screenshot. And I really want to make procedurally generated levels with a random location of enemies and treasures. Is it possible to implement this using the functions embedded in it?

Changing from the third person to top-down view is the matter of adjusting the spring arm and the camera attached to the player pawn. Changing input is also a very basic feature - you can do it as in any other project.

Regarding anything randomly/procedurally generated that’s something you need to figure out and implement on your own. The template was designed to work with pre-made levels, but it doesn’t mean it can’t be changed into a procedurally-based one.

Fine, but you can explain at least briefly how exactly this can be easily done. Which Blueprints do I need to edit for this? I just recently started to master UE4 and immediately I really liked your template.

You need to edit these blueprints that have input events you want to change. Study the blueprints first, get familiar with the template structure, see how it is built.

BP_jRPG_Controller_World blueprint is responsible for controlling the player character in the overworld. Regarding how they can be changed - check official documentation, youtube tutorials, or other online resources, there is plenty of them.