I’ll work on this now. Expect this within a day!
Unfortunately, while testing in 4.16 I noticed that one of the materials included in the plugin is giving a different output than in 4.15. I will have to fix this. Apologies for the delay. My aim is to get the plugin updated by Friday at the latest.
God speed
Thank You for the speedy update to 4.16 <3
You’re welcome!
I am now working on updating the example project and documentation to include the recent updates.
I’ve updated the user guide to include:
- Multi-floor backgrounds
- Priority backgrounds
- Background Z-ordering
- Rendering the nav mesh
- Added a section on toggling minimap and full screen map
- Improved explanation of creating a custom bordered minimap
Download link is still the same: User guide (PDF)
Please consider leaving a rating or a comment on the Marketplace page.
Hmm… I’m getting a error while playing a packaged build
LogStreaming:Error: Couldn't find file for package /Script/MinimapPlugin requested by async loading code. NameToLoad: /Script/MinimapPlugin
This wouldn’t be because I’m not using a code project? Your plugin has been working on a non code build so far, I’m hoping I wouldn’t have to convert to one, but maybe my luck is running dry?
I’ve found two Answer Hub threads that maybe be of use, I’m not knowledgeable enough to go any further with their suggestions
- How to package game with My Engine Plugin? - Platform & Builds - Epic Developer Community Forums
- "Can't find file for asset. /Script/CableComponent" on 4.12 - Blueprint - Epic Developer Community Forums
I believe the issue is the same as that CableComponent question you found. What probably is happening is that the game module is loaded before the minimap module is. You should try what is suggested in that CableComponent answer. I’ll explain it in more detail:
- Go to your UE4.16 install folder and then the plugin folder. For me this is C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_4.16\Engine\Plugins\Marketplace\MinimapPlugin
- Open MinimapPlugin.uplugin with a text editor
- Where it says “LoadingPhase”: “Default”, change Default to PreDefault
- Try to package the game again
Hmmm… That did not fix my problem unfortunately… I was going to mention this before, I am trying to run this on a Android device. This plugin work perfectly fine on a winx64 build.
Does anything pop out as being an obvious issue on the Android side of things?
I also have 3 more questions
- This plugin seems to work without converting to a code plugin, is there a specific reason you ask us to convert to one?
- My minimap background does not fully render in a circle, only 1/4th of it does https://i.gyazo.com/5305a6ad4a8a36f56fa9a4510a9901e8.png, this also happens in a code build. It’s not a biggie for me, since I think I’ll opt for the square border to make more efficient use of the limited screen space on mobile
- Could you briefly go through the steps you took to get a map render like this https://i.gyazo.com/3533e7b606733385310305044c508353.png, and is this easily achievable with a landscape actor? https://i.gyazo.com/76ef2c20df803c454e17fc90524822df.png
Thank you so much for your continued help
I’m sorry for the delay in response. I’m currently on vacation. I will get back to you properly on Thursday.
Yuhp, no worries mate, I hope you are enjoying your holiday, well deserved no doubt
I am back in action.
The plugin’s Marketplace page states only Windows as platforms, but that is because I’ve only tested on Windows. I don’t do anything particularly platform bound though, so I am curious what is preventing the plugin to package successfully for Android and I want to work with you to get it running on Android. After any failed build, it should have written a log file. Can you see if you can find such a log file and email it to me at zhikang.shao at gmail.com?
As for your other questions:
If the plugin works without converting the Unreal project to a code project, that is perfect. I assumed that this had to be done, because Epic’s instructions for installing code plugins said so at one point. Apparently that no longer applies and Epic has found a way to precompile plugins, so hats off to them and great for us all.
This occurrs when using the 4.15 plugin files in UE4.16. I have fixed this in one of the recent updates, shortly after 4.16 came out. Are you using UE4.16 and can you check to make sure you have the latest files?
- Place a Map Background actor in the level and let it create a snapshot by setting a Render Target asset for the first and only floor (Background Levels, element 0).
- You can now also render the navigation mesh to that snapshot, so be sure to check the “Render Navigation Mesh” option on the MapBackground actor.
- Open the render target. Export it to a TGA file or simply use Print Screen to make a desktop screenshot and copy that to an image editor (I use Photoshop).
- Inside Photoshop, change the canvas size to something like 512x512 and move the snapshot to fit the canvas.
- Select the parts of the snapshot that form the shape of your minimap. For example, I use Photoshop’s Magic Wand to select the navigation mesh, since that represents roughly where the player can walk.
- Use the selection as a base for your minimap texture.
When you’re done, save to a TGA or PNG and import that back to Unreal and set that as the first floor’s (Background Levels[0]) Background Texture.
I hope that’s clear! Again if you email me your failed build log, I can investigate why it won’t build for Android and fix that.
This happens to me as well and I’ve only purchased the plugin where it showed 4.16 on the MP. I’m not showing any updates needed for it.
I see, thanks for reporting. I will address this right away and let you know when the fix can be downloaded through an update.
It’s been a bit of a hectic week, so apologies for the delay. Although I do remember fixing the circular minimap that broke in 4.16, that fix indeed wasn’t live! I’ve just submitted an update with the fix and I’ll let you guys know when its online.
Awesome, thanks!
Hey guys,
Circular minimaps should now work again in 4.16.
Thanks for the update. I have everything working great with the exception of 2 issues.
- when ever I move my character with wasd, the circular map border spins with the character, rather than North always remaining on top. I already have the map icon on my char setup to spin. Is there any easy fix for this?
- I can’t seem to get my mini-map from rendering my exponentialHeightFog. This leaved my background with a colored texture. Any advice? I’ve tried marking it as hidden in the arrays but no luck.
About issue (1), go to the MapViewComponent you gave your character and uncheck Inherit Yaw. It won’t spin the minimap then. Is that what you were looking for?
As for (2), it could be the sky. Go to the MapBackground actor and in the Hidden Actors list, add the sky actor. Use the actor picker and click the sky’s sprite handle in the viewport. Or add the sky’s blueprint class to Hidden Actor Classes. Hope that solves it. If not please post a screenshot of the red you’re seeing.
When i try to include your c++ plugin into my project then it compiles but the c++ classes dont show up inengine
PublicDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new string] { “Core”, “CoreUObject”, “Engine”, “InputCore”, “UMG”, “RenderCore”, “ShaderCore”, “ProceduralMeshComponent”, “MinimapPlugin” });
PrivateDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new string] { });
// Uncomment if you are using Slate UI
PrivateDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new string] { “Slate”, “SlateCore” });
// Uncomment if you are using online features
// PrivateDependencyModuleNames.Add(“OnlineSubsystem”);
// To include OnlineSubsystemSteam, add it to the plugins section in your uproject file with the Enabled attribute set to true