JCInventory, Grid based jigsaw Inventory for your projects

the inventory was updated? i didn’t recive any update notice yet wtf

Just finished watching the first video, very helpful! Before watching it, the numbers on stuff like Pistols etc or why they grow if I equip something else, didn’t make any sense to me. Now it does make sense and the guide on how to change this behavior for different kinds of items will surely save many people a lot of time.

The speed at which you recorded this after my post is just incredible!

Alright, so I’ve watched the 2nd Video, after all the System does work as Jack said. I just got a different vision of Quick bars in my mind which doesn’t match the implementation. However, it’s good to have the videos, as they show what the quick bars are, how they work and what they are not. In case anybody else wonders how to clear a quickslot -> rightlick on it.

I had to go to the marketplace and redownload it

yea Jack told me, i hope they fix it …

The new version with the Proto hands is up on the market place!

Is the Proto hands the only thing different or is there other stuff?

Holy crepe XD stop posting links to evil websites wich break your earphones and heart XD

Yup, that’s the only change. There was a bit of miscommunication with updating the files.

So I followed the YouTube video to add jcinventory to a custom character but I am having a problem, I am able to pick up items but nothing shows up in the inventory when i do so. Anyone have any ideas what might be causing me issues on this ?

If you have followed the tutorial exactly, it should work. You probably made a little mistake when moving the logic to your character. There are really many things that may cause this, if you copy the RPCGraph nodes or interfaces in the wrong order for example. Without seeing your nodes it is quiet hard to guess what went wrong. If I had this issue I would compare the relevant nodes on my character with the ones on the Demo character and check for any differences.

We fixed the pickup problem and a several other Issues in a RC session, most of it related to Interface Events, if somebody else is taking this step, make sure all your events transfered correctly (I think Jack also notes this in the video).

Having fun with my custom implementation.

I have discovered something recently, I can ‘dupe’ items by spamming ‘E’ to pick up items.
Will test a vanilla install later, just wanted to get this out there in case others want to investigate their install.

Will update soon.

I can’t duplicate Items, but maybe I’m pressing to slow. However, this is probably related to the delay you have between your pickup logic and the destruction or removal of the picked item. But if it’s the reason I’m thinking, you should be able to fix this very simple by adding a gate node after pickup which starts opened, get closed immediately after entered and opened again when your pickup logic finished, so the picked up item is is removed before you can pickup again. Ofc, a Do once node will just work aswell.

I’ve just tested it, and its exactly like I thought, if you have a delay between adding the item to the inventroy and removing it, it can be duplicated - the solution is just as I wrote above.

How do I get the currently selected weapon?

I guess you mean equiped weapon. Theres a function “Get first Slot of Type” and “Get first slot of Type Details”

Im trying to make it so the shooting functionality isnt inside of the player blueprint, but rather in its own weapon blueprint. But Im not sure how to get it working.

It is really simple, I think jack told he will be making a tutorial about this. I can break you down how I do it. On Equipment, I create an Actor and store a reference to that Actor in a variable. For the Actor I create a custom event e.g. Fire Weapon. If the Character detects a left mouse button click, I call the Fire Weapon Event for the referenced actor, which has the gunlogic in the execution line of the custom event Fire Weapon.

Actually I’m using a Interface Function instead of a Custom Event, basically it’s the same, the Interface just allows a more efficient workflow.

Currently Ive created a BaseWeapon blueprint that is a child blueprint of the JcInventoryItem and I have a fire function inside that blueprint, but I cant figure out how to actually call that function from inside the player blueprint when the player presses the fire button.

That’s basic blueprint communication https://docs.unrealengine.com/latest/INT/Engine/Blueprints/UserGuide/BlueprintComms/index.html , and I wrote above how I handle it. You can find numerous other guides if you search for Blueprint communication.

However you may just want to wait for a official response from Jack as I think he wanted to make a Tutorial for this anyway.

Thanks for the response. I have been waiting for quite some time now after I bought the inventory to have correctly functioning weapons but haven’t heard anything of the sort yet so I started attempting it on my own. Ive set it up so it calls the fire function in the Base Weapon blueprint, but for whatever reason it isnt working correctly. Ive made sure that my current weapon variable is set to whatever weapon is selected.


The creator mentioned his next tutorial was going to be on how to do a proper weapon system with this but it was a couple weeks ago I believe and I haven’t seen nor heard of anything about it since.