the engine now seems to support load/save to csv/json
this is available on 5.1 at least but not sure if it’s on previous too.
You can save your data table from cpp.
FDataTableEditorUtils::BroadcastPreChange(DataTable, FDataTableEditorUtils::EDataTableChangeInfo::RowList);
you can get the rows using DataTable->GetAllRows and you get some pointers.
you can modify them.
or you can add rows using DataTable->AddRow
at the end you need to call DataTable->Modify()
UEditorLoadingAndSavingUtils::SavePackages({DataTable->GetPackage()}, false);
FDataTableEditorUtils::BroadcastPostChange(DataTable, FDataTableEditorUtils::EDataTableChangeInfo::RowList);
credits goes to “Authaer” who told me this after some time of searching