Please, post a link up to your associated tutorial when you’re done with it. I’m sure we’d all love to see it
I didn’t know about Launch Character, that’s why everyone is here for. We continue to learn and grow together.
Okay sweet thanks. Let me know how those wall jumps turn out. I would love to see what you come up for that.
Too bad I didn’t get an answer to my single question ^^. Maybe you would know and could help me (not related to this) ?
I think it would be easier to just write a double jump function in C++. It only takes ~10 lines of code.
It may be, some people however want to try to make these things in blueprints too. Plus, some people don’t know C++ very well. Personally, both methods are perfectly acceptable to me.
I put together something based on SilentX. It uses a multi-gate otherwise you can end up doing the “double-jump” velocity on the ground. I also set up logic to only launch the character at the same speed as the initial launch values.
If anyone out there is still having any issues with Double Jump, here is early access to an upcoming Video Tutorial on the simplest and easiest way to implement Double Jump utilizing Blueprint. Could easily be modified to support 10 jumps, go crazy.
How to Double Jump
Very nice (and updated) change… makes sense
FlyingMongoose, i was checking out your double jump blueprint and i didn’t check the Zoverride because i needed to get a little more height on moving platforms which ended up being able to superjump by hitting jump really fast. anyways i fixed it with a Delay node for .25 sec between the second branch and launch character.
Official video on how to jump higher and double jump. So many useful videos on the official channel.
Moar double jump blueprint variants. Here is mine:
I check falling. If player is not falling do standard jump. If he is falling, try double. Reset double on landed.
I prefer to override Z. Adding Z might be better depending on your gameplay. When overriding Z it might be necesairy to add an extra check for high Z speed (this double jump will slow character down if its already going up with hi veloity)