Is there a way to display the owning players widget component?

I think there must be something going on with the replication in my blueprint. It won’t let me replicate the progress bar itself and everything I have is the same thing you have.



Maybe an image will explain what I’ve failed to explain. The health bars are updating nicely, but they will remain full when visualized from another player. These images depict 2 characters (of the Knight class), one with nearly full health, and one with very low health. However, neither can see the others actual displayed value on the health bar.

I replicated the function itself. The function, called TakeDamage and has a single input float called Damage, subtracts that gloat from the Health variable and updates the widget. Since this function is replicated I dont have to worry about replicating the widget itself. If anything you should not replicate visual stuff like widgets or explosions, but instead the function or variable that causes the change. This is much cheaper.

Gotcha! Thanks for the help, I’ll figure this out.

YES! They key with this setup is telling the widget what value it should have by CASTING TO THE WIDGET TO TELL IT THE REPLICATED VALUE. This is opposed to what I was doing which was having a binding inside the widget, casting to player to retrieve the value. This will return the same value as the for self and other players instead of recognizing each separate players unique values. Brilliant.