Is there a better solution than event ticks for pulling in character data?

Thanks for your suggestions. I guess where I’m hazy is how to setup the custom events. Originally I had all the loading done in the Event Tick on the Player BP, so when a change was saved from the GUI it would update right away. I don’t quite understand your boolean thought though.

How my setup is currently is that the level is loaded along with the Player BP. Within the Player BP is the Begin Play, which loads my SaveGame data. So that loads all the default customization. After loading the SaveGame data, the Creator Widget displays allowing you to make tweaks to their character. That Create Widget is also in my Begin Play, after the SaveGame. You hit the Save button within the Widget, and it re-enables the inputs on the Player BP. So when the player triggers the Save button, then it runs the Custom Event, correct?

Sometimes it’s good to talk through the process… :slight_smile:

Looks like I have everything working. Thanks for all your help!