Is Root motion working with you guys for Actor Class??

This would be a nightmare setup in a production and loads of other question marks when it comes to root motion blending and animations on complex units.

We ended up modifying the class in C++ and adding root motion that way. It worked just fine for the requirements. Although we didn’t test it extensively since but if its working then its working I guess.

Why isn’t this done by default as an optional class by Epic is anyone’s guess. We wasted a week trying to sort out this solution, that is a week wasted from production!

Why is Root motion dependent on AI controller? How is that a thing? Why do you need to enable AI controller for root motion in order for it to work, further hindering performance, also why do we need to have character class (the heaviest of classes) to animate a simple pawn in root motion?

We gained so much relative performance by getting rid of character class entirely for such setups and creating our own C++ pawn class with root.

I don’t understand some of the choices Epic makes sometimes, I say this genuinely, I honestly wish a dev can jump in here and tell us why such choices are made, maybe there is a hidden catch we don’t know of?

Anyway hope this helps you.

Help from MyxaWW:

Place this in your actor’s tick: