Is it Possible to Make a Blueprint Clone of the Existing Nodes "Bind Event to On Take Any Damage" and "Apply Damage"?

I want that collision to be detected and identified as the sphere trying to change the “HP Current” variable of the HP component that has been attached to the colliding third person player character. I noticed that the apply damage sphere I created was extremely simple using the UE5 built-in “Bind Event to On Take Any Damage” and “Apply Damage”.

  • a healing orb the player walks into
  • it fires an interface message to Any Other actor

  • this is a AC_Health components (you described)
  • it has its own stats and manages them
  • it also fires a dispatcher once it’s done healing so another entity can get an optional callback

  • an actor who receives the heal from the orb (at the very bottom)
  • it can be setup to look up a component or you can use a direct reference (depending on how modular this needs to be - can we have more than 1 health comp, perhaps 1 for every limb and organ?!)

I’ve been preaching about actor components for a while now, it’s a great approach.

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