HI. Ok I’m starting to lose it. I had my tool tip working perfectly last night, I try again today and it doesn’t pop up at all. It’s starting to seem like UE is just a corrupted engine at this point. Can you please suggest something I can try yo get it working again? All the code should be fine because I haven’t changed it since I had it working. I’m at a complete loss. Thanks
Don’t give up yet.
Click on Get Data Table Row in the error message. It seems that is nowhere to be found or a table variable (from a struct) is somehow corrupted.
More than likely, your tool tip error is a result of the first error.
Give it another try.
Hi, I just Rebooted my PC and tried the tool tip thing and it worked. But I’m still getting that error. This is the node it’s pointing me to. This code is a little above my knowledge level. Any ideas on what I can try?
Just wanted to show my sincere appreciation for your ongoing support. Wouldn’t be where I am in my project without you.
No problem, I believe you are having good progress. I guess the problem is the default values of that variable Item Data Data Table. It might be empty. You want to check it out how you are setting the default values on begin play before the “Get Data Table Row” node.
Also, sometimes structs variables need to be “refreshed” by disconnecting pins and connecting again. It can be caused when changing the variable types on adding new ones.
Hmm that all sounded right to me but it didn’t work. I unplugged and refreshed the node in question and gave the variable default values but got the same errors somehow. Maybe exiting and returning Wil fix it. I’ll try that tomorrow.