Introducing Unreal Dev Grants

There is no application form on unrealdevgrants page, or at least I cant see it.

Scroll down to the bottom of the page,

I can’t see that application form, its masked by the picture I guess.

Is Unrealdevgrants still a thing? Can we still apply to it ?

yoooo i mean someone has to pay for the chicks and beer right :cool:
Just kidding i just thought maybe the budget is alreday spend on projects.
Yeah i will check out the recent stream, thanks for the info!

I can see the dialog so I think it’s working still.

We submitted our game some weeks ago, fingers crossed!

Submitted Save Our Souls :slight_smile:


Submitted TIDBO (Telecoms Design Build Operate)…

Submitted our entertaining application for curiosity satisfaction :slight_smile:

The first releases of apps interactively explain how industrial sites work, principles behind hydroelectric dams, nuclear power stations, etc.


I just submitted Diesel Power.
An arcade game which was designed exclusively for VR.
It may sound stupid, but I had TheWorldEndsWithYou in mind when I started development.

Its an exciting week for me as I was able to release it on Steam Early Access as well.
Let’s see if my approach to VR gaming finds any interesst.

Best luck to all other applications.

Name: Diesel Power
Status: Early Access


Just added ours now!

Pandora is an action adventure game based loosely on the Greek story of Pandora’s box. Still in very early stages, and we have a lot of known issues to address, but hopefully it’s good enough :slight_smile:

Finally got to add mine. For a game that is already as Early Access but we want to finish it to its full potential and release it on PSVR.
Its a fast paced action VR game. Already in early access on Steam and in Gallery on Oculus Store.

devgrant is off now?

we are ready to submit prototype for our game

It’s not off.

We applied earlier this week.

An introduction…

Dealing with the death of a loved one is perhaps the hardest part of life. It is something that we each experience in our own unique way. To help cope with this experience, we have created The Eternal Planet™, a serene and beautiful world in which to honor and remember our loved ones forever.

The Eternal Planet is a shared virtual world where you can dedicate natural elements, wildlife, and unique monuments to loved ones memorializing them in a timeless place. You can also discover dedications created and shared by other people.
We hope that The Eternal Planet will allow people to appreciate their loved ones in a new way, one that is more in line with their digital lifestyle and, if desired, accessible by a broader audience or community. We also hope that it will allow past and future generations to connect with each other in new and interesting ways.

The Eternal Planet is still in development, but we invite you to watch our preview video by clicking the “Play” button below.

For more information please visit


how to submit our application for dev ?

Does anyone know the character limit on the application, off hand? I do not see it.

And is there a template for the application other than the “tell us what makes your project awesome” text?

Hi Consultant…Ours was just 221 words…almost exactly what you see in our post above. We didn’t use a template. After clicking submit on the webpage, we did get an auto response saying thanks for entering. But, other than that we’ve not heard anything. So, our fingers are still crossed.

Good luck!!

Thanks, Geoff. It looks like the character limit is 2,000 with the spaces included. We did what you did – something short and sweet, with links.