Intermediate C++ Programmer Looking for Active Projects - Free

Hi @Calcorso. We have similar background working with UnrealEngine, with the major difference is my focus has been towards Blueprints. I remember the good ole UDK days, Kismet and Unrealscript. I’m very thankful for Blueprints, although I sometimes wish it had interchangeable Text-based scripting language akin to Unrealscript.

For years, I was focused on the development of my primary game, an Alien Invasion Kaiju Survival Terror. Migration of the project failed again (#5) when updating to UE5.4. I took this opportunity to reevaluate my game dev goals.

After some deep consideration, I’m redirecting my efforts to develop smaller-scoped multiplayer interactive 3D experiences that are more flexible in design, but more importantly, UE Powered 3D Games/Apps/Tools that can be completed and published.

As far as games go, I rely on marketplace assets and kitbashing everything. Sci-fi/Fantasy are themes I enjoy and most of my concepts involve shooting stuff. I develop multiplayer subsystems, runtime editing and procedural generation subsystems in Blueprints. I do use C++ Plugins for features not available in Blueprints.

Here’s my Youtube. I definitely interested in your Stage9 Youtubes. I’m always on available to chat on Discord. When convenient, stop by and lets discuss further on what you have in mind to develop your skills. A great starting point would be to know what type games you’re interested in developing.