Can confirm this worked for me using vs2022 and building the oculus 4.27.2 branch
Thanks! This solution worked for me too. For those who can’t find the option, you can also check the ‘uninstall’ section and click ‘modify.’ The debugging tools are the second option. =D Thanks again!
Thank you, you saved my day!
In UE 5.4, the error reads as follows:
Unable to find installation of PDBCOPY.EXE, which is required to strip symbols. This tool is included as part of the 'Windows Debugging Tools' component of the Windows 10 SDK (
while executing task <Strip Platform="Win64" BaseDir="Repos\Unreal-5.4" Files="#Strip Tools for Installed Win64" OutputDir="Repos\Unreal-5.4\LocalBuilds\Engine\Windows" Tag="#Installed Build Win64 Files" />
Sadly, it looks like the link to the Windows SDK in that message is broken/stale/incorrect. Anyone know the best way to let Epic know it should be updated?
you could open an issue on github or submit a pullrequest.
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I just had this exact error in UE 5.4.2 and the suggestion from @uexilon fixed it for me.
Unanswered stuff again, here we go.
Its because you dont have debugging symbols for Windows SDK, to fix that
- Find any windows sdk by typing
windows sdk
, - You can grab the latest one and click
- Splash screen and window will pop up.
- Select
- Now you see clearly
Debugging symbols
unticked in second order. - Click it and install.
Its done, enjoy.
just install it from winsdksetup.exe