Importing text files is unnecessarily hard

I’m not sure what you’re trying to prove. The text I have won’t import into a data table without manipulation and I have an opportunity to do that process in UE which would suit my users a lot. I’m sorry if you feel slighted or whatever but the example in your gif doesn’t work for the files I have.

You can use Rama’s Victory plugin or one line of C++ code to import the text asset to a string then do what you’re already doing in blueprints for your processing with said string


you can do the processing outside the engine and use the built-in tools the way they’re meant to


you can wait an indeterminate amount of time for Epic to do exactly what you’re asking them to do which, let’s be honest, probably isn’t high on the priorities list considering there are other ways to do almost exactly what you’re asking.

I’m writing it myself. You can thank me later when you buy it on the marketplace and save yourself time and effort.

It’s like you guys don’t want nice things.