Hey guys, this is my blueprint hierarchy:
And my event graph is:
So basically I have pickable class that I attach actors to my character’s hand socket. I use “Item” component to display my main “Pickables”. In this case I use sword mesh.
But I wanted to use this way:
As logically I have 1 static mesh to display, so root component doesn’t need to be mesh component.
I found that using Simulate Physics node deattahces first mesh in the hierarchy from its root. So using “Scene Component” as root, deattaches mesh from root and trying to reattach it only works this way:
In this case I attach “Item Component” to “Scene Component” after I use "Simulate “Physics” node then attach it to hand after reset relative location. But now the problem shows itself again, even tough scene component has mesh as it’s child, it hold its static transform and doesn’t move in world. For visualy understand it I used a pointlight:
When I picked it:
When I dropped it:
As you can see pointlight that child of scene component holds its last world location because of the reason I mentioned before.
So when we use root component as placeholder mesh component, because of this rule: deattahces first mesh in the hierarchy from its root it deattaches from our ThirdPersonCharacter therefore it maintains it root world location and it’s child component. So I kept using the nodes in the first screenshot.
I hope I clearly defined the problem and solutions and it helps someone.
If you have some ways to overcome the attach issue please share.
Have fun and keep developing