Howto modify the projection matrix

More elegant solution is:

More elegant solution is:

This seems really like an elegant way. Do you have a working example that you could show us (or share)? I’m curious how it performs.

Btw: another way (used by Epic in their experimental nDisplay plugin) is to modify the projection matrix directly in the stereodevice.

Oh, and thx for mentioning me on your blog, @BagelBouncer :slight_smile:

Working example:

virtual void SetupViewPoint(APlayerController* Player, FMinimalViewInfo& InViewInfo) override
        InViewInfo.OffCenterProjectionOffset.X = 0.5;

This is a very simple way to do.

Hi itouh2,

I have tried with this one but I’m clueless. The steps on the website don’t get me anywhere.

Essentially, I have installed the plugin and then followed their steps. But nothing happens really.

Could you please help me out in any way?


I compiled your plugin to 5.3.2 and

anybody can tell me how to use it