How would I can set the same position in identical level? SOLVED!

that was just to save the location. you can do the same procedure with rotation (make a variable save it and load it). or you can modify what you have by changing the vector variable type to a transform type. a transform stores location rotation and scale. if you do change to a transform you can right click the pin and select split struct pin which will allow you to get the location and rotation separately.

im guessing your camera isnt attached to your character then?

to do that you will need to get the player controller then set control rotation if i remember right.

I’m using Third Person BP… So I have to attach my camera to my character… okay. I try it.

Hmmm… okay

Wauu. I have no idea… I have First Person BP with an attached camera and whenever I put a variable rotate… nothing… the only location is good.

so are you using the third or first person?

It will be for the first person character. It’s all the same but the camera rotation doesn’t work.

YESSSSS! I don’t know how I did it, but it’s working!

glad to see you got it to work dont know if you need the interp but hey as long as its working right

can i see how you do it? Im having the problem as well :sweat_smile: