how to work with destructibles?

Destructibles Work Very Well, Video

Hi there!

Here’s a video I made of moveable destroyable destructible actors from the Beta

They do work quite well!

Here’s some things to keep in mind:

  1. you don’t need a radial force actor

  2. any destructiblemesh can be moveable if you spawn it and set it to simulate physics

  3. there are only 2 damage functions that damage destructible meshes, they are in UDestructibleComponent

// Take damage
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category="Components|Destructible")
void ApplyDamage(float DamageAmount, const FVector& HitLocation, const FVector& ImpulseDir, float ImpulseStrength);

// Take radius damage
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category="Components|Destructible")
void ApplyRadiusDamage(float BaseDamage, const FVector& HurtOrigin, float DamageRadius, float ImpulseStrength, bool bFullDamage);

  1. Recommended Solution

Extend DestructibleActor

or simply remake it

and then you have total control

I JUST finished doing this in my own project and it works perfectly

