I do not know about the stringtablelibrary.
You can probably access:
- datatable assets. Create a string string schema for your datatable
- access metadata on assets, Asset Metadata in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.0 Documentation
- access a map on the class default object of one of your custom asset Can you edit a Blueprint Variable from Python? - #3 by Jamie_Dale
import unreal
#access asset metadata
eas = unreal.get_editor_subsystem(unreal.EditorAssetSubsystem)
asset = eas.load_asset("/game/NewBlueprint")
#access a NewVar map variable on a custom blueprint
# get the generated class of the Blueprint (note the _C)
bp_gc = unreal.load_object(None, "/Game/NewBlueprint.NewBlueprint_C")
# get the Class Default Object (CDO) of the generated class
bp_cdo = unreal.get_default_object(bp_gc)
# set the default property values
bp_cdo.get_editor_property("NewVar")["map entry name"] = "map entry value"
#bp_cdo.set_editor_property("MyBoolProp", True)