How to sort a random DateTime array from oldest to newest?

I saw the other thread for this and you’re going to be using this for a save system, right? If you are, then you don’t need to sort anything because all saves are already going to be played in chronological order, so you’ll always know which is the most recent. Basically, the most recent save is just the one that was played last, and the one that was played last is the one that is being played currently (i.e. the one that the player picks).

So all you have to do is put the save that is being playing currently at the top of the array (index 0), and it’ll already be sorted.

Example (Newest to Oldest)

NewGame → Save0
SaveArray = {Save0}

NewGame → Save1
SaveArray = {Save1, Save0}

NewGame → Save2
SaveArray = {Save2, Save1, Save0}

LoadGame → Save0
SaveArray = {Save0, Save2, Save1}

NewGame-> Save3
Save Array = {Save3, Save0, Save2, Save1}

LoadGame → Save2
SaveArray = {Save2, Save3, Save0, Save1}

And to have it oldest to newest, you would either (A) add them at the end of the array, or (B) read the array in reverse.