This mostly comes down to a problem of converting between ints and floats in Verse. One thing you might have been missing is that you can multiply an int by 1.0 to turn it into a float. Here is a version of your original code with that + rounding integrated in.
QuickTest():logic =
((Round[10.12345 * 1000.0] * 1.0) / 1000.0) = 10.123
return true
return false
I also gave a quick go at writing a more generic version
RoundToDecimalPlaces(Value:float, DecimalPlaces:int)<varies><decides>:float =
DecimalPlaces >= 0
Multiplier := Pow(10.0, DecimalPlaces * 1.0)
RoundedValues := Round[Value * Multiplier] * 1.0
return RoundedValues / Multiplier
QuickTest():logic =
RoundToDecimalPlaces[10.12345, 0] = 10.0
RoundToDecimalPlaces[10.12345, 1] = 10.1
RoundToDecimalPlaces[10.12345, 2] = 10.12
RoundToDecimalPlaces[10.12345, 3] = 10.123
RoundToDecimalPlaces[10.12345, 4] = 10.1234
RoundToDecimalPlaces[10.12345, 5] = 10.12345
RoundToDecimalPlaces[10.12345, 6] = 10.123450
RoundToDecimalPlaces[10.56789, 0] = 11.0
RoundToDecimalPlaces[10.56789, 1] = 10.6
RoundToDecimalPlaces[10.56789, 2] = 10.57
RoundToDecimalPlaces[10.56789, 3] = 10.568
RoundToDecimalPlaces[10.56789, 4] = 10.5679
RoundToDecimalPlaces[10.56789, 5] = 10.56789
RoundToDecimalPlaces[10.56789, 6] = 10.56789
return true
return false