How to move an object to multiple locations with a single timeline

Not sure what you’re after precisely, but if the generic:

  • keep the locations in an array, locations A, B and C at indexes 0, 1 & 2
  • when the timeline plays for the 1st time, use the locations in the array 0 & 1 as start / end points (move from A to B)
  • when the TL plays the second time, use the locations in the array 1 & 2 as start / end points (move from B to C)

Suggested above is it, then:

It will cycle through the locations in the array and Lerp between the vectors; and wait for 1s before carrying on.

There’s probably half a dozen ways to achieve that. And this method may not be suitable in certain scenarios. You generally choose the right tool for the job. You can also follow the link in the post above to see more examples.