How to make lyra starter game first person?

Can you snip that code from the headers/source for the First Person Camera mode? The link you have to post #15 doesn’t show any code.

Echoing @JordonHynes here. Anyone have the original code snippet?

i’m noob in c++, i’m just copied thirdpersoncamera.cpp and .h, and added code that written here

How To Use CUSTOM CAMERA Placement With Lyra Characters | UE5.2 | - YouTube This Solution Solves Child Camera Component’s And Removes The Dependency For C++ Camera Children

For those who has T-POSE issue, I have implemented first person camera mode class as below. The logic is like for the first tick setting camera a little bit distant to character (like detaching from character and moving out) then in the next tick attaching it to the socket (FP_Camera in my case).
In my case

h. file;

#pragma once

#include "Camera/LyraCameraMode.h"
#include "LyraCameraMode_FirstPerson.generated.h"

 * ULyraCameraMode_FirstPerson
 *	A basic first person camera mode.
UCLASS(Abstract, Blueprintable)
class ULyraCameraMode_FirstPerson : public ULyraCameraMode



	virtual void UpdateView(float DeltaTime) override;
	virtual void OnActivation() override;
	virtual FVector GetPivotLocation() const override;

	void OnActivationNextTick();
	bool bIsFirstTick;

cpp. file;

#include "Camera/LyraCameraMode_FirstPerson.h"
#include "GameFramework/Character.h"

#include UE_INLINE_GENERATED_CPP_BY_NAME(LyraCameraMode_FirstPerson)


void ULyraCameraMode_FirstPerson::OnActivation()
	bIsFirstTick = true;
	GetWorld()->GetTimerManager().SetTimerForNextTick(this, &ULyraCameraMode_FirstPerson::OnActivationNextTick);

void ULyraCameraMode_FirstPerson::UpdateView(float DeltaTime)
	FVector PivotLocation = GetPivotLocation();
	FRotator PivotRotation = GetPivotRotation();

	PivotRotation.Pitch = FMath::ClampAngle(PivotRotation.Pitch, ViewPitchMin, ViewPitchMax);

	View.Location = PivotLocation;
	View.Rotation = PivotRotation;
	View.ControlRotation = View.Rotation;
	View.FieldOfView = FieldOfView;

	if (bIsFirstTick)
		// This will simulate the camera like it has a distance to the character at the first tick, play with -200.f if it doesn't work
		View.Location = PivotLocation + PivotRotation.RotateVector(FVector(-200.f, 0.f, 0.f));

FVector ULyraCameraMode_FirstPerson::GetPivotLocation() const
	const AActor* TargetActor = GetTargetActor();

	if (const APawn* TargetPawn = Cast<APawn>(TargetActor))
		// Get mesh socket location for first person camera
		if (const ACharacter* TargetCharacter = Cast<ACharacter>(TargetPawn))
			return TargetCharacter->GetMesh()->GetSocketLocation("FP_Camera");

		return TargetPawn->GetPawnViewLocation();

	return TargetActor->GetActorLocation();

void ULyraCameraMode_FirstPerson::OnActivationNextTick()
	bIsFirstTick = false;

T-Pose is solved by selecting the Mesh and setting Always Tick Pose and Refresh Bones under Optimization → Visibility Based Anim Tick Option. Otherwise bones won’t move until visible.


Hey, I made a Game Feature Plugin for Lyra that lets you go into first person, it’s free over at GitHub. It’s not perfect but it may help for reference!



Afoot Games

did you ever resolve this?

Those lines are the head mesh, because it’s still visible.
Preferably you’d have a separate head mesh you can hide for the player.

I used your work a lot as a reference, thanks man! I also want to share my own attempt at figuring this out:


I basically used Afoot’s work and integrate it with Octahedron’s procedural FP Animations. This is not a true first-person setup, so we have third-person meshes and first-person meshes and can toggle between the two.

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