Yes, you need a trace length, naturally: 1000 will do.
( I will look at the code again now ) Ok, I just looked again. No you don’t need to set anything else, theta and phi etc are calculated during the code.
You could also try taking the BP from @Astrotronic 's snippet, then you don’t have to copy it manually
Ok yeah I got it, I did use the snippet but it was missing the value for N and Tracelenght/size.
Now how can I attach this to the BP_ThirdPersonCharacter head?
wait so did you just add a new collision trace channel name “TraceTypeQuery”?
and how/where do you put the scene component? in the BP_thirdpersoncharacter mesh’s head? And how does that help the tracetypequery?
You’re doing the trace from inside the player, right? ( I’m assuming ).
So you need somewhere to do it from. We know that’s the head, but there’s no way to say ‘from the head’, so it’s easy to just put a scene component in the guy’s head, so we can trace from it.
GetWorldLocation of the scene component.
A scene component can’t be seen and uses no space so…
Not totally, is it the “Scene Capture Component 2D” or “Scene Capture Component Cube” or the just the basic “scene”? And how do you call that in the blueprint for the trace?
And I still dont understand where you got the tracetypequery and how to use it?