How to increase shadow distance view

I tried this and it worked in the scenario I showed, thank you! I’ll try the other commands to see what they also change, maybe I’ll like the effect they produce.

Am I correct in thinking that this command affect how big the character has to be on the screen for it’s shadow to appear?

Also, while this does work on characters (which as of now in the engine don’t have nanites) and on foliage without nanites enabled, it doesn’t work on foliage with nanites enabled. I have a tree from Megascans and I made two copies of the mesh. In one I enabled nanites and in the other they are disabled and use the normal LODs. Now on the level for the one without nanites the shadow distance is controlled with that command, but the one that has nanites enabled isn’t affected by it. Is there a new command for nanites as well, or being in beta state there isn’t one just yet?