How to get a particular instance of InstancedStaticMesh component?

you can’t get the instances. since they technically “don’t exist”, think like particles. all there is are transforms. check forum link i posted for more info.

It all comes down to a single mesh. The HISM is a set of transforms for that mesh. You can have 1,000 of them, 1 of them, or 1 million and it’s still one mesh that’s draw that many times. The beauty of the HISM is that it’s the same single mesh’s data that is draw multiple times. That’s one HISM object with however many copies of it you want to draw. To further clarify, if I have that mesh used in 5 blueprints, it’s still one mesh.

alternative yo ucan get some data if you to use a collision (eg a line trace or a collision) and then there’s a special output pin (which i cant recall) might be called component or instance. but still is a similarish object (e.g. only the transform data). (think of a game using data oriented instead of object oriented).