How to Force Shader recompile of everything like the first time you run the engine?

Edit: Derived Data Cache of the Project - Works. THANKS!

This should work, trying now… What you mention is also confirmed in the Docs:

Shader caching and cooking

*Once shaders are compiled, they are stored in the Derived Data Cache. They contain, in their key, a hash of all the inputs to the compile, including shader source files. That means that changes to shader source files are automatically picked up every time you re-launch the engine or do a ‘recompileshaders changed’.

When you are modifying FShader Serialize functions, there is no need to handle backward compatibility, just add a space to a shader file that is included by that shader.

When cooking assets, material shaders are inlined into the material’s package, and global shaders are stored seperately in a global shader file which allows them to be loaded early in the engine startup. *