How to create a flying side scroller game with blueprints?

Hello, CmsToxic.

It sounds like you’re having trouble getting started with blueprints. Here are a few blueprint tutorials to help get you used to using blueprints:

Once you’re used to blueprints, you can get started on your sidescroller. The ‘trick’ with a game like that is that since your character is flying, but the camera is centered on them, you don’t have to actually move the character forward. The character can just move up and down while the background and obstacles move, creating the illusion that your character is moving forward.

That means you only have to set up your character’s vertical movement. Doing that with blueprints should be pretty basic once you get used to them. For an example of character movement, you can look at the blueprint for ‘MyCharacter’ in the Content Browser of Unreal Engine 4. It should be available on many of the premade maps such as StarterMap.

Good luck,
