How to continue projectile's movement after hitting a surface

Old thread but I have another trick for anyone else who finds it:

Enable ShouldBounce but set Bounciness to zero. When the hit triggers, ShouldBounce will keep it from stopping automatically and Bounciness at zero will stop the projectile from bouncing. Then you can set the trajectory.yourself. Also, you will probably need to manually call StopSimulating.

Thank you!
After I pick up the object, and then throw it out, then it falls to the ground!

Okay so i think i struck gold here, this solution i would argue is more ideal if you are pooling projectiles but its not required. What i did was on event hit i would set the hit actor to its own variable and duplicate the projectile (spawn the projectile actor with its required variables) and get the output of the newly spawned projectile and plug in its projectile collision into “Ignore actor when moving” and destroy the old projectile. Here is my implementation