How to connect Game Instance data to Save game

Thank you guys!!
Newer mind the upstairs picture!

So I got Main Menu Widget and L1 widget and that’s really all.

1LV kinda game. In these LV there is a trigger box that’s collecting points that go in to Game Instance.

Main menu widget has HIGH SCORE Text and LV1 has a SCORE text…

When going back to Main Menu the High Score data is taken from Game instance and shows fine!

I tried changing Game Instance to Game Save but increment integer + integer dont work.

What’s funny that on print string is showing what I put as a integer number (++) so If I put 5 it will keep printing 5 on every hit instead of increasing like it does with game instance.

I need reference of some kind in my LV1 Widget to the Score text in my LV1 and have it Saved and then Loaded again on event begin in my Main Menu.

I guess I’m looking for my TEXT BLOCK 334 reference and some how have it saved in to my SaveSlot to be able to loaded on Event Begin play when I start the game.

How do you get reference to the Score text in my LV1?? You guys have been really patient. Thank you for your time!!

haha I have like 40+ YouTube tutorial videos, I have one for save/load game, widgets, beginner stuff, random things etc But no, I didn’t just make one for this or I would have posted a link here :stuck_out_tongue:

Ah, well I have one up for that but I don’t think it is the functions tutorial, in a few weeks I will have a save/load for my beginner series up but it is not out yet. Also, thanks for the support!

Aksing because I subscribe and I thought something about function inputs popped up for me.

How do you get reference to the Score
text in my LV1?? You guys have been
really patient. Thank you for your

Think about the object that was responsible for the creation of the widget that has the text. Where and what is that object? Where did you the use CreateWidget node?

Thank you for reply! I Finally got it working. How ever still strange to me that incramenting the score dint work for Save Game object like it works for Game Instance. Cause the tutorial I found the Save Game int + int works fine. I know I did something wrong I just thought it would work====Create save game object=== cast to Save Game obj.=====get Score====int + int set Score====save to slot. But didn’t work for me. Either way. Thank you for your patience and help. I’m glad it’s working.

What was I looking for it’s explaind in Easy Save N load. Mamonium Vid .
Saving Score in to Game Save. Game Instance did’t count in his video and I think that was the problem right of the bat. Thank’s guys. Was just confusing you with my own confusion. lol. Sorry.