How to assign a skeleton with missing bones?

It should read: “Instead you can retarget Adam’s entire Animblueprint to the Top down Animblueprint” and select that Animblueprint in the TopDownCharacter’s Mesh details as shown below:



This has got to be the most bonehead admin discussion I’ve seen yet.
: I know how to retarget animations, now how do I retarget my mesh too and tell it to recognize the bones, like I just did with animations?
: Here is how to retarget animations.
: Yes, I said I know how to retarget animations, now how do I retarget my mesh too and tell it to recognize the bones, like I just did with animations?
: Here is how to retarget animations.
: Yes, I said I know how to retarget animations, now how do I retarget my mesh too and tell it to recognize the bones, like I just did with animations?
: Why would you want to retarget meshes? Here is how you retarget animations.

Yeah, I was thinking just the same…Got in here thinking that it would solve my Skeleton problem and getting out thinking "why is so hard to understand that “retargeting animation” and “retargeting skeletons” is NOT the same and we CANNOT get the same results, cause ONE skeleton is allways better than 5, 6, 7 (in my case, 102) skeletons!

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I know this thread is from last year, but i found myself in this exact predicament and wanted to change my golem character to use my main mannaquin’s skeleton but would have no choice but to create the extra bones. It literally had all the same bones except 2 extra ‘WeaponL’ and ‘WeaonR’ which i mean wtf…thats what sockets are for…

I couldnt find anything solid online but recalled just earlier today when i was exporting some original anims and reimporting back into UE5.1 to fix some funkyness going on with anims, upon ‘import’ button popping up i clicked it and it asked me to assign a skeleton. I used this exact same trick to get my golem to redirect its skeleton to my main mannaquin without adding any extra bones!

Step 1: Right click the skeletalmesh of the character you wish to change skeleton. Hover on Asset Actions and select ‘Export’. Save it either in the same folder with a different file name, or keep the same name and choose a different location to save it at. I used these export options.

Step 2: Once you ‘save’ it, as long as you saved it in the same project folder, UE should pop up an import button. If you saved it outside the project, just do a import manually and browse to wherever you saved it. Once you click import, you’ll get the import box where you can then select the skeleton you want to usue! I used these import options:

And its as simple as that! If you want to use your original physics asset, just change back to it inside the new skeletal mesh. Make sure to take a look at the new physics asset too just to make sure its in the shape you want it to be. I also noticed it shows 0 collisions up in the top left but i have no knowledge when it comes to that so maybe you guys know more. Now that you’re using the main skeleton you wanted, you can preview all the animations and such. Do keep in mind you’re going to only want to do this with skeletons that use the same major bones (like the UE skeleton). If a critical bone is missing, im sure it’ll look like crap :stuck_out_tongue: