How to add control rig to blueprint class

To use Control rig inside your BP, here are two ways I found.

  1. using control rig component.
    Detailed Instructions: Control Rig in Blueprints in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.5 Documentation | Epic Developer Community (
    In the BP containing your skeletal mesh component add a control rig component.
    In CR component set the CR class to your CR class.
    Add the On Pre-Initialize Event of the CR component in the event graph and from it call the Add Mapped Skeletal mesh. Set arguments appropriately.
    Now the skeleton bones should follow the corresponding bones in the control rig in the CR component.
    You can programmatically manipulate the CR control transforms. Should be able to animate in the sequencer too but haven’t tried it.

  2. using anim BP
    Detailed instruction:-
    create an anim BP asset for your skeleton.
    In the BP graph, get the pose and run it through a Control rig node and then into the output.
    In the CR node details, you can set your CR class and expose the control variables in your CR as arguments.
    Create the corresponding variables in you anim BP too, to set them from you Actor BP. Feed those variables into the control rig node
    In your actor BP, set the anim class of you skeletal mesh to the one you just created.
    You can now get the anim instance of your skeleton and set the variables in it to manipulate the contol rig elements.

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