How Skrillex looks in UE4

It is here…

That looks very neat. This could potentially be implemented to a game by making it a really neat effect in a club. :wink:

This is quite awesome. HAHA!

Dead midrange :slight_smile: Oh skrillex, go home you’re drunk.

Haha nice! :slight_smile:

Interesting I had a similar idea and made a few tests. I implemented a dynamic material that stretches several waves by the music amplitude.
The material was originally written in GLSL and I converted it to the UE4 material system which is quite awesome btw.
The material doesn’t use any textures.


Would you be able to illustrate your technique more? Thank you

I just saw this post pop up and I just realized that I have never commented. Fantastic work DennyR. Have you been able to Keep up with this project since it has been a couple of months since your original post? I would really like to see another song in action if you had some free time. Keep up the great work!

This is really great Denny!!! I hope I can see more updates here :slight_smile:

Didn’t expect to see this thread on page 1 again :stuck_out_tongue:

Well, it was a 1-day project for me when I picked up UE4. I never really got around doing another one. I found it lame to use the same setup with another song.

I always had a new visualization on my list, I just haven’t found the motivation/time to do it in proper quality yet.

Awesome job, a tutorial would be great.

@Laserman He just rewrote this shadertoy using the material system (or converted and copied the GLSL into the HLSL node): https://www.shadertoy/view/4dsGzH