How I think game design should work

Great! One more I forgot to mention is the main page with all the tutorials, which can be found here:

Once you have the basics down, another option is have a look through the example games, and example content created by Epic, which you can download from the “Learn” tab of the Launcher. They are basic, but complete games that can be used as examples (or a base to build from) for your game. Any/all assets contained in these examples can be used in your own game, even if it’s released commercially. I would highly recommend downloading and using some of the assets while you are still learning rather than making everything.

Good luck, and if you run into any issues feel free to ask here in the Forums or over on AnswerHub and we’ll do our best to help you figure it out.


You need to understand how the UE4 works, and how to use it to create a game before you start working on your own game, which is why I provided all of the links to get you started. There may be step by step on how to create certain features/gameplay out there, but you need to be able to convert that knowledge into UE4, so knowing the basics is required.

There are no step by step guide on how to create a full (commercial) game from start to finish, but there is a lot of documentation on how to create certain types of games, but they are not specific to UE4, they are in concept form only. The concept needs to be converted and implemented into UE4, so you need to know how to use UE4 first.