How do you select a static mesh element by clicking the left mouse button in the running mode?

Sure thing, I can send you the project. But one last thing, could you double check the material slot name and material name in your mesh - they need to be the same for this to work properly:


Sent you the project. Good luck!

Thank you very much. 么么哒!~

This was never officially solved and I am experiencing the same issue in UE 5.3. The hit item is -1, element index is 0, and face index is -1. But it’s the correct mesh as when I print the object name it’s the right one. And I have the static mesh as the root of the blueprint, not that it should really matter.

Edit: I’ve figured it out. Well, kind of. It’s a limitation of using blueprints for raycasting. None of them allow the bReturnFaceIndex variable to be set to ‘true’ from the default/initial ‘false’ value, which in turn causes it to always be -1. If you walk through with a debugger, you can see the internal face index is correctly changing and the object you’re hitting has the proper material slots.

I guess the only solution for now is to write your own function via C++. Would be nice to have a parameter in a future official build though.

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Here is a complete C++ solution.
I basically modified the original function so that the caller has a control of setting the related params:

bool AMyGameGameMode::GetHitResultUnderCursorForObjects(APlayerController* controller,
	const TArray<TEnumAsByte<EObjectTypeQuery> >& ObjectTypes, bool traceComplex, bool returnFaceIndex, FHitResult& HitResult)const
	ULocalPlayer* LocalPlayer = Cast<ULocalPlayer>(controller->Player);
	bool bHit = false;
	if (LocalPlayer && LocalPlayer->ViewportClient)
		FVector2D MousePosition;
		if (LocalPlayer->ViewportClient->GetMousePosition(MousePosition))

			// Early out if we clicked on a HUD hitbox
			if (controller->GetHUD() != NULL && controller->GetHUD()->GetHitBoxAtCoordinates(MousePosition, true))
				return false;
			FVector WorldOrigin;
			FVector WorldDirection;
			if (UGameplayStatics::DeprojectScreenToWorld(controller, MousePosition, WorldOrigin, WorldDirection) == true)

				FCollisionQueryParams collisionParams;
				collisionParams.TraceTag = SCENE_QUERY_STAT(ClickableTrace);
				collisionParams.bTraceComplex = traceComplex;
				collisionParams.bReturnFaceIndex = returnFaceIndex;

				FCollisionObjectQueryParams const ObjParam(ObjectTypes);
				return controller->GetWorld()->LineTraceSingleByObjectType(HitResult, 
					WorldOrigin, WorldOrigin + WorldDirection * controller->HitResultTraceDistance, ObjParam, collisionParams);

			return false;

	if (!bHit)	//If there was no hit we reset the results. This is redundant but helps Blueprint users
		HitResult = FHitResult();

	return bHit;