How do i use UNavigationSystem::GetRandomPointInRadius in c++ ?

's Get Random Point in Radius For You

Here’s the wrapper I wrote!

I use this inside a custom Path Follow component.

I have wiki on how to set up a custom Follow Component here:

Custom AI Path Follow Components In UE4

**Get Random Point in Radius**


bool GetRandomPointInRadius(const FVector& Origin, float Radius, FVector& OutResult);

bool UJoyPathFollowCompHighest::GetRandomPointInRadius(const FVector& Origin, float Radius, FVector& OutResult)
	UNavigationSystem* NavSys = UNavigationSystem::GetCurrent(GetWorld());
             return false;
	FNavLocation Result;

        //This is a wrapper for UE4 version
	bool bSuccess = NavSys->GetRandomPointInRadius(Origin, Radius, Result);
	OutResult = Result.Location;
	return bSuccess;


Core Code, Usable Anywhere

You dont really need to put this in a PathFollowComponent, you can just run the code anywhere!

UNavigationSystem* NavSys = **UNavigationSystem::GetCurrent**(GetWorld());
     //could not get UE4 Nav system
FNavLocation Result;

bool bSuccess = NavSys->**GetRandomPointInRadius**(Origin, Radius, Result);

   //report non success case

//FVector result is


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