How do i recompile a plugin Unreal Engine 5

Hi @Pilot202, This is complete now. I have built and put the Unreal Engine 5
This is from the READ ME

Unreal Engine 5 (UE5)
This Git Hub Forked Repository has been updated in the SimplexNoise.uplugin for UE5 In the source code to get this built with Visual Studio 2022.
You will need to git clone outside the Engine Source build C:\User\Owner\source\repos is the root for UE5 and where “Owner” is your directory.

Download Git Bash/Git CMD from Git - Downloading Package for Windows 10.

Open Git CMD

Create the following directories

mkdir C:\Users\Owner\source\repos\ue5\Engine\Plugins\ArtAndCodeSuite\SimplexNoise
mkdir C:\Users\Owner\source\repos\ArtAndCodeSuite\SimplexNoise
cd C:\Users\Owner\source\repos\ArtAndCodeSuite\SimplexNoise

git Clone

copy SimplexNoise.uplugin C:\Users\Owner\source\repos\ue5\Engine\Plugins\ArtAndCodeSuite\SimplexNoise\SimplexNoise.uplugin

I have done the conversion its in a Git Hub fork
UE5 SimplexNoise
When you start your updated version of UE5
Edit → Plugins and enter SimplexNoise

Click on the Package button to build this into your Ue5 project

If you need to know how to install and use a special version of Ue5 for Visual Studio 2022 then look at this post
Luoshuang’s GPULightmass Unreal Engine 5 using Visual Studio 2022